Lantek Flex3d is the most flexible 3D CAD/CAM software, totally engineered by Lantek and conceived for automating the CNC programming for 3D machining tubes, pipes, beams, profiles, and sheet metal.
Lantek Flex3d provides the most advanced nesting algorithms and machining strategies (Thinkingmetal Technology) and performs at excellent level with machines of any of the existing technologies: laser, plasma, saw, oxy-fuel or water jet, even combined with complementary tools like drilling, marking, milling, tapping and others.
Vintech RCAM-Pro is a CAM system, specially designed for true shape nesting and programming of CNC machines for laser, plasma, oxy-fuel, water-jet and other types of cutting of sheet parts.
VINTECH has created the CAM system based on original algorithms for tight step-by-step nesting with optimisation and on-line control against overlapping, without shape or size restrictions of plates and parts.
Offline programming package for computer-based programming and program simulation
Ready made simulation of customer robotic system with 3D models of real system modules and components
Easy drawing of cut/weld contours using mouse. Fast setting of torch angle to workpiece. Automatic generation of tool path trajectory and a program for execution of the motion with respective process commands (start / stop weld / cut).