All posts by Kiberys

Киберис ООД започва изпълнението на проект

Киберис ООД започва изпълнението на проект „Подкрепа за малки предприятия с оборот над 500 000 лв. за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19“по процедура BG16RFOP002-2.089, „Подкрепа за малки предприятия с оборот над 500 000 лв. за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19“ в рамките на оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“ 2014-2020

На 28 октомври2021г. между Киберис ООД и Министерство на икономиката се сключи договор за безвъзмездна финансова помощBG16RFOP002-2.089-3643-C01за изпълнение на проект „Подкрепа за малки предприятия с оборот над 500 000 лв. за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19“.

Основната цел на проекта е осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.Очакваният резултат от подкрепата по процедурата се изразяват в постигане на положителен ефект по отношение на малките предприятия с реализиран оборот от минимум 500 000 лв. за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19 и стабилност на работни места.

Общата стойност на проекта възлиза на 50000лв, като 100% от средствата са безвъзмездна финансова помощ. Средствата ще бъдат използвани за покриване на оперативни разходи на компанията за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19.Периодът за изпълнение на проектните дейности е 3 месеца. В резултат на изпълнението на проекта се очаква продължаване на дейността на компанията и справяне с негативния ефект от пандемията COVID-19.

Проект № BG16RFOP002-2.089-3643-C01, „Подкрепа за малки предприятия с оборот над 500 000 лв. за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19“, финансиран от Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейския фонд за регионално развитие.

Цялата отговорност за съдържанието на документа се носи от КибрисООДи при никакви обстоятелства не може да се приема, че този документ отразява официалното становище на Европейския съюз и Управляващия орган.

Hardware Controls

KPU Programming Tablet Unit with 10″ Graphic Display and Touchscreen

А PC tablet based unit with complete functionality for field programming of the KBR system in a graphic environment. The tablet has a rugged design, very well protected against impact and breaking of touch sensor glass – perfect for industrial use. It has multiple functional enhancements – functional buttons, speakers, microphone, integrated camera on the backside which can be used i for customer support and troubleshooting. The touchscreen enables easy handling and setup of a large number of functions and parameters of the user-friendly operator interface.


1-axis Servo-positioners

The precise positioning and common program motion control with the Kiberys robotic systems, is a guarantee for good performance and high level of automation.

Models from 300 to 10 000 kg payload are available depending on the requirements.

Technical Specifications

Payload 500 kg
Number of axes 1
Type of motor AC, servo
Max Torque 860 Nm
Max Load inertia 100 kgm2
Max Speed 70°/sec
Flange diameter 400 mm

2-axis Servo-positioners

  • High precision and minimum backlash;
  • Precise synchronization between the robot and the positioner;
  • High accuracy and repeatability in positioning the work-piece;

Technical Specifications

Number of axes 2
Type of motor AC, servo
Payload 500 kg
Max Torque Axis 1 1700 Nm
Max Load inertia Axis 1 400 kgm2
Max Speed Axis 1 30°/sec
Max Torque Axis 2 860 Nm
Max Load inertia Axis 1 100 kgm2
Max Speed Axis 1 70°/sec
Flange diameter 400 mm

3 Axis Column Robot

The new column robotic system, uniquely designed by KIBERYS, allows effective use the robot for plasma pipe and tube cutting.

The cartesian robot with 3 linear axes has an optimized reach and performance. Possibility for dual head design also increases the implementation potential.

The characteristics of the mechanical design make it optimal for large workpieces in all dimensions. The advantages of this design are:

  • controller unit mounted on the robot;
  • power sources mounted on the robot;
  • programming unit for operator traveling with the robot.

Key features

  • Indefinitely extensible work area along the X
  • All-in-one system for welding and cutting
  • 3 axes robot design
  • Synchronization between 2 or more robots
  • Automatic tool change

Suitable applications

  • Automotive Industry
  • Crane Building
  • Oil & Gas Industry
  • Machine Building
  • Metal Construction
  • Shipbuilding

Technical Specifications

Number of axes 3
Type of axes 3 linear
Type of motors AC, servo
Max reach on X on request
Max reach on Y 3 000mm
Max reach on Z 2 000mm
Speed on linear axes max 30 000mm/min
Positioning accuracy +/-0.25mm
Repeatability +/-0.15mm

3 Axis Robot

Technical Specifications

Number of axes (all axes in interpolation) 3
Type of axes 3 linear
Type of motors AC, servo
Drive system Rack and pinion on linear axes
Longitudinal motion – X axis L on request
Maximal transverse motion – Y axis W 500-2500 mm
Maximal vertical motion – Z axis H 200-2000 mm
Speed range on linear axes 0–30 000 mm/min
Positioning accuracy +/-0.15 mm
Repeatability +/-0.10 mm
Mains supply 3-phase, 380V, 50Hz
Nominal consumed power 3.5 kW
Tolerance of supply voltage +/-10%
Maximal additional load on X-carriage 60 kg

3 Axis Gantry

Gantry type cutting system for plasma and oxy-fuel cutting with double-side drive, precise positioning system with rack and pinion on 3 axes and exceptional speed and dynamics.

Low backlash, precision gears, as well as highly rigid and precise rail guiding system enable the smooth motion and excellent cut quality in corners and small holes.
It is the best choice when cut quality and productivity are of biggest importance.

Especially in thin sheet plasma cutting, the system delivers laser-like quality and productivity, thanks to its dynamic capabilities.

For applications, where biggest productivity and maximum level of system automation and quality consistency are needed, the software control of the automatic gas console of powersource HPR series of Hypertherm is the answer.

Technical Specifications

Mechanical design 3 axis system, double-side driven gantry
Type of motors AC synchronous servo motors
Feedback type Resolver
CNC architecture CNC controller with CAD/CAM programming – PowerPC 32bit, RTOS, CAN Open, DIN 66025, IEC 61131-3 SoftPLC
Type of communication Digital CAN communication on all levels in the system
Transversal motion range: X axis 1250 – 4000 mm
Longitudinal motion range: Y axis 2500 – 18000 mm
Vertical motion range: Z axis 200 mm
Speed range on linear axes 0 – 30 000 mm/min
Maximal cutting speed 15 000 mm/min
Positioning accuracy +/-0.10 mm/m
Repeatability +/-0.05 mm/m
Mains supply 3-phase, 380V, 50Hz
Nominal consumed power 3.5 kW
Tolerance of supply voltage +/-10%

5 Axis Column Robot

The new column robotic system, uniquely designed by KIBERYS, allows effective use the robot for plasma pipe and tube cutting.

The cartesian robot with 3 linear axes can be outfitted with 2 rotational axes for optimized reach and performance. Possibility for dual head design also increases the implementation potential.

The characteristics of the mechanical design make it optimal for large workpieces in all dimensions. The advantages of this design are:

  • controller unit mounted on the robot;
  • power sources mounted on the robot;
  • programming unit for operator traveling with the robot.

Key features

  • Indefinitely extensible work area along the X
  • All-in-one system for welding and cutting
  • 5 axes robot design
  • Synchronization between 2 or more robots
  • Automatic tool change

Suitable applications

  • Automotive Industry
  • Crane Building
  • Oil & Gas Industry
  • Machine Building
  • Metal Construction
  • Shipbuilding

Technical Specifications

Number of axes 5
Type of axes 3 linear
2 rotational
Type of motors AC, servo
Max reach on X on request
Max reach on Y 3 000mm
Max reach on Z 2 000mm
Speed on linear axes max 30 000mm/min
Speed on rotational axes max 120°/sec
Positioning accuracy +/-0.25mm
Repeatability +/-0.15mm

5 Axis Robot

Technical Specifications

Number of axes (all axes in interpolation) 5
Type of axes 3 linear and 2 rotational for torch rotation
Type of motors AC, servo
Drive system Rack and pinion on linear axes
Longitudinal motion – X axis L on request
Maximal transverse motion – Y axis W 500-2500 mm
Maximal vertical motion – Z axis H 200-2000 mm
Range of rotation around Z-axis +/- 360°
Range of inclination of torch +/- 90°
Speed range on linear axes 0–30 000 mm/min
Speed of rotation around the vertical axis Z 0–120°/s
Speed of torch inclination 0–120°/s
Positioning accuracy +/-0.15 mm
Repeatability +/-0.10 mm
Mains supply 3-phase, 380V, 50Hz
Nominal consumed power 3.5 kW
Tolerance of supply voltage +/-10%
Maximal additional load on X-carriage 60 kg

5 Axis Gantry

kbcut_hd55-Axis, heavy-duty, double-side driven CNC gantry system for cutting complex shapes with beveling up to 45°.

Precise positioning with rack and pinion on 3 axes and 2 rotational axes for torch rotation and inclination.

Low backlash, precision gears, as well as highly rigid and precise rail guiding system enable the smooth motion, stable operation with inclined torch and excellent cut surface, also when beveling.

Technical Specifications

Mechanical design 5 axis system, double-side driven gantry, 2 rotation axes – one around vertical axis, one for torch inclination
Type of motors AC synchronous servo motors
Feedback type Resolver
CNC architecture CNC controller with CAD/CAM programming – PowerPC 32bit, RTOS, CAN Open, DIN 66025, IEC 61131-3 SoftPLC
Type of communication Digital CAN communication on all levels in the system
Transversal motion range: X axis 1250 – 4000 mm
Longitudinal motion range: Y axis 2500 – 18000 mm
Vertical motion range: Z axis 200 mm
Speed range on linear axes 0 – 15 000 mm/min
Maximal cutting speed 10 000 mm/min
Positioning accuracy +/-0.10 mm/m
Repeatability +/-0.05 mm/m
Mains supply 3-phase, 380V, 50Hz
Nominal consumed power 3.5 kW
Tolerance of supply voltage +/-10%